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Escape Room Giveaway – Make A Nomination

The UK’s Top Escape Rooms Want to Give Back This Christmas

2023 has seen a lot of us tighten the purse strings, as the cost of living continues, along with increased energy costs in these colder months, see more of us having less to spend this festive season.

Statistics show 40% of adults intend to only buy presents for their children and won’t be able to afford presents for themselves this year, and 1 in 5 children may not even receive a present, as parents are unable to afford the costs without going into debt due to the cost of living crisis.

To help the most deserving families, Escape Live, one of the UK’s leading escape room operators, is giving away 60 FREE escape room experiences across all 6 locations. We are looking for people to nominate friends, families, or colleagues, so Escape Live can help make lasting memories and bring some Christmas cheer this festive season.

All you need to do is fill in the form at the bottom of this page, state who you want to nominate and why they are being nominated. Escape Live will pick the most deserving family groups to visit their local venue and have an unforgettable experience this Christmas.

“The cost of living continues to hit everyone hard, but for some people, it has meant choosing between the essentials, and a day out with the family,” explains Operations Manager, Ross Dyke. “We want to ensure families that have had to cut back, can still enjoy some time together this Christmas, without having to dip into their pocket. Let’s spread some festive joy!”

Sixty different families will be invited to enjoy their choice of escape room at their preferred location, letting them bring up to 6 people to take on an immersive experience involving clues, puzzles and clever twists.

The locations include:








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