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When you think of team building exercises, what do you think of? Sitting in a circle, playing 2 truths 1 lie? Maybe building a bridge out of paper? Although these make the boss happy does anyone ever look back on this day with fond memories?

Today is the day that you suggest bringing the fun, exciting, team building exercise of an escape room to the office!

Not only will you be refining important skills such as teamwork, leadership, determination, and patience, but you will be doing it in style, relieving stress and making real memories to bond with colleagues over.

Now that you know what you’ve been missing out on, you’re going to need some help to make sure your team gets the most out of the experience. Below are a few tips and tricks that will help you achieve this:


Maybe the most important part of this team building exercise is picking the right teams. Our escape rooms hold a maximum of 5-6 players each and so groups larger than this will have to be divided into multiple rooms to play at the same time. This is where a good leader comes into play. Do you want to encourage team building within a department or across all the departments? Do you want all the new members together or maybe an escape room veteran in each group? Perhaps you can do it all and have groups play multiple rooms with different teams. There are many options and only you can make the choice.


If you want as much team building as possible, why not start at home! Before arriving, get teams to bundle together and make a game plan. Divide and conquer? Have the whole team focused on a problem at a time? Or free for all? Any communication is good communication and getting teams to think about how they are going to play will help get them in the mood.
Alternately, put them on the spot, see how they handle the pressure of a hard code or puzzle on their first try!


A little healthy competition never hurt anyone, and why not take it further with a little cherry on top. Offering anything as little as a free lunch or a gift voucher for the team who escapes first may help in giving everyone that little extra push to really try to win.


After the game, make sure to take some time to relax, talk about the game and compare the strategies used. This can be as big or as small as you want. Use this time to reflect on the game, talk about highlights or how they would approach it differently next time. Don’t make this a formal review, this should be an upbeat chat that helps everyone unwind and so doesn’t require a big fancy conference room, maybe just a quick bite or over a coffee.


It is important to remember that team building activities are not just about introductions and getting to know one another. They also help boost morale amongst colleagues, get people to work together in high-pressure situations without tearing each other to pieces, and helps create a healthy work/social life.
Escape rooms provide a quick, fun and exciting way to keep the team together and the environment fresh. Happiness leads to productivity and so next time the office is feeling dull, head to your local Escape Live and lift everyone’s spirits.


Why wait? Get in touch and organize this once in a lifetime team building experience today and get the whole team excited! With everything sorted beforehand, all you need to worry about is who’s going to get out first!

Escape rooms build a foundation to help your team stick together and create a memory that they won’t soon forget, be it Saving the world in Armageddon, or having them play for their lives in Room 13!

Pick your room and location below and prepare for an hour you won’t soon forget.

See more about how we can accommodate your corporate events.

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