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You and your mates have booked an escape room, but it’s your first escape room experience and you’re not quite sure about the best way to escape. Or, as we suspect, you don’t know how best to use your escape room goers to your advantage.

So, at Escape Live, we have kindly created you a list of the 6 types of escape room players we commonly experience in our venues. You will probably find your own traits within one of these 6 types of players, so make sure you read on to find out how you can use your skills to your team’s advantage when you enter one of our rooms.

1.The Leader

This one should be pretty clear to you when you evaluate your escape room team. Who is the loud member of your team? The one who usually keeps the peace and keeps everyone on track? That’s probably your leader.

The leader is usually the person that guides the group and makes sure you move forward in your game. However, the loudest person isn’t always the person who knows best. It may be wise to take what the leader says with a grain of salt!

Characteristics of the Leader:

  • Recognises the strengths of their team and delegates tasks
  • Loves to encourage others
  • Isn’t afraid to speak up when they think something is wrong
  • Big picture thinkers with a skill in multitasking

2. The Human Timer

Though it can be slightly panic-inducing to have a timekeeper, this is often overlooked as players get too immersed in the game and distracted by the various puzzles and clues dotted around. You’ll likely have a team member who will act as your human timer, i.e. they will be the one warning you when time is running out.

Characteristics of the Human Timer:

  • Has very good time management skills and likely was the reason you made it to the venue 15 minutes early
  • Good at diverting your team’s attention back to the task at hand: ESCAPING!

3. The Brains

There will definitely be someone on your escape room team with the best at puzzles and logical thinking tasks. They’ll be the best at figuring out the clues and putting together the pieces to get you out of the room.

The Brian in your escape room team may be quiet, but rest assured, the cogs in their brain are working to solve all of the puzzles.

Characteristics of the Brains:

  • This is the friend that always figures out the ending of those 9-part BBC TV dramas by episode 2
  • Is good at crosswords, sudoku (logical thinking games)
  • Can think outside the box to put clues together that you wouldn’t think to

4. The Clue Magnet

Even if they can’t figure out why the clues are there, or why they’re important, you can bet the Clue Magnet will find them anyway. They’ll look in places your other teammates wouldn’t think to, and ultimately find the majority of the clues you’ll need to figure out how to escape the room.

The Clue Magnet is a pretty curious individual. Being patient and persistent, their escape room superpower is finding new solutions and not letting the team become discouraged!

Characteristics of the Clue Magnet:

  • Always has a positive attitude
  • Would be great at longer games like Monopoly
  • Good at looking at things in new perspectives

5. The Mouth

Your team will inevitably have a ‘Mouth’ on it – A.K.A. the person that keeps the conversation going. As soon as a new discovery is made, or a new clue uncovered, the Mouth will be the first to fill everyone in on it.

They’re good at communicating between the team and keeping everyone on the same page in the escape room. Your Mouth will make sure your team doesn’t spend too long on one clue and get confused about which clue you are on.

Characteristics of the Mouth:

  • Is good at charades
  • Generally a chatty and extroverted person
  • Great at keeping the attention of everyone in a team

6. The Spectator

The team member that isn’t massively enthused by the escape room experience. Enjoys being around their buddies but hasn’t got a huge interest – perhaps finds the escape room décor the most interesting aspect of the experience.

However, it is often misunderstood that the Spectator has no use. You’d be mistaken. By taking a blaisé approach to the escape room, the Spectator is likely to pick up on things you may miss. The Spectator may not always be engaged and active in your game, but their value will be revealed at the right time!

Characteristics of the Spectator:

  • Could be a bit of a ‘yes-man’
  • Enjoys a good time but may be introverted
  • Comes out with funny one-liners
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